15,000 Runners, Major Corporate Partners, Extensive TV Coverage

The Great Run Company is the UK’s largest mass participation sport business. Over 250,000 people participate in their concepts across 8 major UK cities and traffic management is considered to be a vital organisational component of every event.

Category: Event Management   |   Client: Great Scottish Run   |   Location: Glasgow, Scotland

The Challenge

The primary challenge is to ensure the safety of 15000 participants while keeping major traffic flows moving where possible. As well as several major road closures in the city centre and beyond and the wishes of multiple stakeholders to consider, Coneworx had an important event management and issue resolution role to play to ensure the event ran on schedule and any issues during the run were dealt with quickly and efficiently.

The Solution

Coneworx worked closely with the emergency services, Glasgow City Council and Transport Scotland to create a detailed installation and removal plan.  In addition Coneworx provided a large number of operatives to aid event management and two senior staff to help monitor city wide CCTV and react appropriately to any issues during the event.  While some disruption to traffic is inevitable during an event of this size, Coneworx’ detailed plan minimised any problems and ensured roads reopened on schedule.



With around 15,000 runners and many more spectators to consider, a robust plan is paramount.


Coneworx Operatives

Flexibility to react to TTM issues wherever they occur.


Coneworx Vehicles

Ability to execute a fast and efficient installation and removal plan.

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